Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Lest you all begin to think I'm fearless

May I present exhibit A as proof that I am not.

I bought a city pass that allows me five days of bus travel as well as access to over 60 museums. In theory. So far, I've only used it to ride the bus to my hostel. But today was supposed to be a day at the museums, so I brought it along with me on my meanderings. The thought was that I'd stop in at any museums I came across that looked interesting. Chances would be good that the pass would work there, and if not, I'd just pay the fee and still go in. Reasonable, yes? Sure.

Until rubber hits the road, apparently.

I walked for a good hour or so before coming to the Museum of Contemporary Arts of Barcelona. (Imagine that in Spanish. It's pretty similar but harder to spell.) Not only did that sound like an awesome museum but there were signs everywhere showing that there was an exhibit on 74 years of feminism in Spain. Come on now. That's right up my alley!

I walked down the long ramp to the entrance, which was underground. I rehearsed what to say, how to switch it to English if things went awry (hah! "if"), and generally ramped myself up for the upcoming encounter.

I walk in the door, and there's a group of people milling about in front of a massive screen. It's somewhat closed off, but clearly open to those with tickets. I kind of froze.

I mean, I might know enough Spanish to get a ticket to a museum, but what would I do if she asked me if I wanted to go into that space? Would I understand her? Did I want to? How would I explain that I just wanted to wander the museum? What if that wasn't a thing?

As I'm waiting in line behind a lady - and being ignored by the guy at the next desk - my courage failed me. I turned tail and left. Back up the ramp. Back out into the narrow streets. Away from something that likely was incredibly cool as hell... and beyond my ability to cope.

Now I'm sitting in a café, drinking my miniature cup of café con leche y sucar, and eating a croissant. Because these are things I understand. 


  1. :(

    You made it in the door. Maybe next time you'll make it further. *Hugs*

    1. I was exhausted and at the end of my rope even before I stepped inside. So you're right. It was a win to even make it inside. ^_^
