Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A slew of pictures

I had a blog post about my feelings about today - what it's like to walk into buildings older than anything I can even imagine - and what went through my mind as my friend Isaac and I traveled the streets of Barcelona. And then I realized that in truth, most of my musings are for me. Today, in particular, wasn't about the stories but rather about the things that I saw. And the best way to share that is in pictures. Oh, and hey! I took a lot of those!

So, here you go. A bunch of pictures from today.


  1. I am so drawn to the market pictures! It's such a mundane thing yet it's rare to see such a thing from someone's travels.

    1. I think those end up being the absolute best pictures! I'm seriously thinking about taking several of them and having a collage printed on a poster for my kitchen.
