Saturday, December 14, 2019

Pacing myself

When I'm at home, I walk on average between 7 and 10 miles a day whenever possible. I'm in pretty good shape so far as that goes. Here, in Barcelona, I'm averaging 10-13 miles a day, with one notable 17-mile day with Isaac. It's a lot, but not hugely different than my norm.

That being said, I'm freaking exhausted. And for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why. Then it occurred to me. 

First, jet lag/time difference. It's a thing. And while I could easily bounce back when I was younger, it's just not as easy now. 

Second, when I'm walking at home, I'm just... walking. Walking along the Willamette, or a few train stops down from my usual one. I walk miles, but it's just walking. Here, everywhere I go, everything I see, I'm on edge. Not in the negative, high-anxiety type of edge. Rather, in an excited, omgdidyouseethat!! kind of edge. But it's still on edge; I'm still keyed up. For miles. 

There are so many things to see, so many constant assaults on my senses,  that I'm struggling to keep up! It's an amazing problem to have. I get it. But it's still a problem. 

On Thursday, I took a  "down-day." Slept until noon, walked about 10-12 miles, then was back at the hostel by 6pm to make dinner. I was in bed by 11pm. Today, I had to do laundry,  so I had breakfast, did laundry, and then laid down for a nap while I waited for it to finish up. Hung it all out on the line, and promptly fell back to sleep again. It's now nearly 2pm, and I'm just getting out the door. 

I feel guilty for "wasting" so much of the day, but at the same time, as my friend Erik keeps reminding me, this is just the first leg of a long trip. Recuperating  slowly, a little at a time, is far better than ending up flat on my back for several days, unable to move. 

What I'm getting at here is that even while on vacation, it's okay to take care of yourself. It's okay - and sometimes necessary - to build in time resting. I'm only on day 6 of a 26-day sojourn. There's time to relax in my bunk if that's what I need. 

And damn if I didn't need it today. 

A few random pictures of things I've seen in Barcelona as a thank you for reading the above whinge.  :D


  1. Definitely pace yourself. It is a vacation, you know.

    Those poor birds got pigeonholed.

    1. Those poor pigeons holed themselves. :P

      Today was a "slow day". Only 14,737 steps, aka 6.4 miles. Tomorrow I'm flying to Italy, so I suspect there will only be around 12,000 steps then, too. S'ok. I have Pompei et al the next two days to make up for these slacking days.

  2. Pacing yourself is smart and necessary!
