Sunday, December 15, 2019

En route to Naples

Last night, I got a roommate in the hostel. A delightful young woman from San Francisco, she'd made a last-second decision to travel Europe for two weeks. Her birthday is in January, she'd just had a break-up, and she found round-trip tickets for under $400. All good reasons to run away to Europe for a couple of weeks, if one is in need of good reasons.

She is five days into her travels, having been in Barcelona and Toulouse, so far. She was heading out to Italy today, as was I, so of course, we compared notes. Turned out we were actually on the same flight to Rome! So we planned to travel together at least as far as the airport in Rome.

Talking to her reminded me a lot of talking to my friend Lisa A. Very little got her down, and she was just excited about all of it, but not bouncy or silly. Just really happy to be where she was. I enjoyed living in her glow for the couple of hours we traveled together, and wished her nothing just continued fun when we parted at the airport.

I have managed to get to the Roma Termini with plenty of time to grab a bite before heading south to Naples. (Buyer beware: you pay a nominal fee to use a table at the restaurants here. I was promised no more than €0.50, and my legs ache, so I'll pay it. Just not sure how widespread that's going to be.)

My train to Naples leaves at 8pm local time, so a solid 1.5 hours to enjoy my €0.50 table.

Few pictures taken here so far, but this was the sunset when I landed in Rome.

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