Monday, June 18, 2012

Staying cool without AC

My family and I are blessed to be living in a 100+ year old house in the heart of the oldest part of town. In fact, Abraham Lincoln is said to have slept in the house across the street during a whistle-stop tour through Illinois when he ran for Senator. It's charming with lots of woodwork, plenty of high ceilings... and absolutely no air-conditioning to speak of.

Central Illinois is known for its ridiculously hot, humid summers. Today topped 95F/33C and it's only mid-June. Imagine what our Augusts are like!

I may have mentioned this before, but I'm a little on the cheap side. Okay, a lot on the cheap side, and I just can't see wasting electricity on a window air-conditioner when there are plenty of options for keeping cool that are mostly free. For example, a wet head does wonders to keep one cool, especially when stationed directly in front of a fan. (Plus, you get to make those fun motor-boat noises!)

Neat trick: if you open all of the doors in the house and put one fan in a window and two others stationed throughout the house all facing in a circle from the window fan, you get an amazing wind through the house! You have to keep rocks on any loose papers and it gets a bit noisy, but that's a small price to pay.

One of my favorite things to do in this kind of heat is to play in the hose. I'm well-aware that I'm truly into my 40s and my teenagers are embarrassed by my antics, but it's a heck of a lot of fun running through the sprinkler no matter what your age is! And if I can sneak up on them, a water balloon definitely hits the mark.

Thanks to some of our friends here, we've been doing great keeping the oven off and our bellies full, too. We've mostly been living on fruit smoothies, tortilla wraps, and sandwiches, which have the added bonus of being mostly healthy, too.

I can only hope that the weather will break soon, but I can't count on it. Instead, I have to make sure that I have enough bags of ice on hand to keep everyone in a slightly better mood than we have any right to be. That and icies. And ice cream. And a trip to the movie theater when it gets really really bad. Oy!

1 comment:

  1. I think as a society we are too spoiled by the a/c and heat. It's pretty much a constant temp at our house year round and living in the midwest you know all of the wonderful pollen we have. I remember as a kid having foil on the upper part of the windows and my mom would put a box fan in the window pulling the hot air out and then another window would pull the cooler air in. It was miserable to sleep, but we played in the sprinkler a lot. :)
